Friday, May 14, 2010


OK I just don't have any excuses for not updating my blog except for the old stand by " I have been really busy"!! I wish I could say that I have been on an exotic vacation for three months and that I just got back into town, but I can not lie. I just simply have not taken the time to blog. I wanted to, but haven't and so now I will do some updating.

*First, at the end of February we took a family vacation to Disneyland, and when I say family I mean The whole clan, (my brother, my 2 sisters and their families). Mom and Dad was supposed to come but unfortunately mom got sick and had to cancel in the end. Luckily she is better now.

We had to photoshop Grandma and Grandpa in since they were not able to come. :(

I love my family (the whole clan)!!! They are so much fun!!!

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